Kyle Kushman is an internationally renowned marijuana cultivator whose collaborations have earned 13 Medical Cannabis Cups awards, including three U.S. Cannabis Cups for Best Flowers. All awards were earned by utilizing Kushman’s Vegamatrix, winner of the coveted STASH Award from HIGH TIMES Magazine in 2014, has been hailed as the best new nutrient on the market. Kyle is a 30-year veteran of organic cannabis cultivation and formerly a staff journalist and cultivation expert for HIGH TIMES magazine. In 2004, Kyle returned to cultivating and experimenting with organic growing in California, starting Karma Consulting in 2006 to advise growers on Proposition 215 medicinal cannabis gardens. In 2009, he began teaching advanced horticulture classes at Oaksterdam University, followed by Earth-Friendly Cannaculture classes on organics and Veganics. Numerous articles about Kyle and his innovative techniques have been published in national publications, including the LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Rolling Stone, Forbes and the New York Times.