David Casarett, M.D.

David Casarett, M.D.

Dr. David Casarett is author of Stoned: A Doctor's Case for Medical Marijuana. His major research interest is understanding and improving the way that health systems care for patients near the end of life. His work has included studies of hospice and hospice alternatives, as well as a randomized controlled trial of a decision aid to improve end of life care. Dr. Casarett has been the PI for a nationwide study to develop a valid and reliable technique to assess the quality of end-of-life care that the Veterans’ Administration provides, as well as for NIH- and VA-funded projects to understand how end-of-life services can be more patient-focused. Dr. Casarett is also a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor given by the US government to researchers in the early stages of their careers.